Supplement Protocol

Cold/Flu Season Regimen 

While there is very limited data (and none specific for COVID-19), the following may have a role to minimize the Flu/Colds/COVID-19.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness or disease. The depiction of successful results from the treatments discussed in this presentation are examples of the possible benefits of treatment and do not guarantee results. All decisions to receive any type of medical treatment are between the patient and his/her healthcare provider after discussing all benefits and risk of any treatment.


Wash hands often and watch yourself in the touching of your face, eyes, etc.., unless you’re sure hands are clean. Try to achieve a healthy immune system in your body, to naturally find off any attacks. Common hygiene practices go a long way.  Hand washing with soap and water is the single most important thing anyone can do to help minimize the spread of infection. Take a look at your diet.  Is it full of processed sugars?  Sugars slow down the immune response for hours after consumption.  Increase your vegetable intake and decrease processed food intake (chips, candy, pop, ice cream, breads, donuts, etc.) 

I have combined some of the holistic with the mainstream healthcare sources into these home protocols. The mainstream healthcare has actually incorporated, a lot of their basic home and at least part of their hospital based treatment plans from the more natural health care sources of vitamin d, c and zinc, because they have clinically proven to be the most affective at this time!!!

UPDATED 1.29.22

OTC COVID-19 Minimization & Early Treatment Protocol  

***High Risk people either vaccinated or non vaccinated need to have multi-drug early treatment prescription drugs on hand beforehand, to be of any benefit to fight off SARS COVID – 2. Make your own covid-19 kit up in advance.

You have to be your own best health care advocate. 


  1. MISTAKE: NOT understanding the importance of living a healthy lifestyle & having a healthy immune system. NOT understanding it’s possible to minimize COVID-19 severity, by incorporating a few easy steps into your daily routine. 
  2. MISTAKE: NOT understanding there is SUCCESSFUL EARLY treatment available, from online physicians. THEY want you to FEAR COVID-19. When people acquire knowledge that there is successful early treatment, this turns THEIR media generated FEAR into RESPECT. 
  3. MISTAKE: NOT understanding where to find physicians that will assist you in getting safe, successful early treatment. THEY don’t want you to know any of this information. 
  4. MISTAKE: NOT understanding the need to be prepared. The need to have the meds on hand before you need them. Having to wait on doctors or drugs, does not correlate to successful early treatment. Do not get behind the virus. The KEY is to Stay Ahead.
  5. MISTAKE: DO NOT ASSUME it’s a cold. DO NOT wait for a positive test. EARLY treatment means sooner NOT later….. For EARLY treatment to be successful, optimal treatment needs to start ASAP from when you notice your 1st symptoms. “Coronavirus is like a tornado. It can hit one home and miss another.” Respect is needed, NOT Fear.
  6. MISTAKE: NOT understanding the importance of being aware of the initial day you noticed your first symptoms. This is important to know as optimal treatment is geared to the patients disease stage and symptoms.
  7. MISTAKE: NOT understanding that everyone should have and know how to use a pulse oximeter. Symptomatic patients, monitoring with home pulse oximetry is recommended (due to asymptomatic hypoxia). Multiple readings should be taken over the course of the day, and a downward trend should be regarded as ominous. 


  1. Severity Risks: Obesity, diabetes with complication, anxiety disorders and age were the strongest risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness. 
  2. General SYMPTOMS: It’s important know when your first symptoms started for effective early treatment options per disease stage. Symptoms (any flu or cold like symptom) – sore, scratchy throat, chills, bad cough, feel like crap, tired, extreme tiredness, headache, fever, diarrhea, vomiting etc.. 
  3. MILD SYMPTOMS: MILD disease is having a few of these and not feeling all that bad(like mild cold or mild flu)… Individuals who have any of the various signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough, sore throat, malaise, headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste and smell) but who do not have shortness of breath, dyspnea, or abnormal chest imaging. sats above >96
  4. MODERATE SYMPTOMS: MODERATE disease is If you have one or numerous symptoms and you feel really ill or get worse and/or develop new symptoms you have a Moderate to Severe case. Carefully monitor pulmonary symptoms from the above…. Individuals who show evidence of lower respiratory disease during clinical assessment or imaging and who have an oxygen saturation (SpO2) 94-95% on room air at sea level.
  5. SEVERE SYMPTOMS: Individuals who have SpO2 92-94% on room air at sea level, a ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) <300 mm Hg, a respiratory rate >24 breaths/min, or lung infiltrates >40%.
  6. PULMONARY Symptoms: Mild disease is respiratory rate <20 no hypoxia, sat% >95 other mild flu like symptoms. Upper respiratory tract symptoms, only.
  7. PULMONARY Symptoms: Moderate disease is getting or the worsening in any ONE of the following….. 92-94% sats, respiratory rate 21-24, chest tightness/heaviness, shortness of breath, bad cough or extreme tiredness….Contact a physician 
  8. Pulmonary Symptoms: Severe disease is any ONE of; respiratory rate >24, hypoxia of sat% <91%-92%
  9. WALKING SATURATION: Another key thing is to have the infected person walk for a short time of 1-2 minutes. Have them sit and then take their saturation, make sure you are getting a good pulse reading and as always, it is an accurate reading. If they have any pulmonary involvement the saturation will drop. This gives a key early warning in severity.
  10. VITALS: It should be helpful to to know healthy resting heart rate and respiratory rate. Monitoring these two early indicators 2x daily should be included. Any increase in these 2 parameters would indicate early pulmonary involvement. If an increase is seen, this may provide an even earlier warning signal, then the walking oxygen saturation.


                 OTC Minimization Protocol for COVID for Everyone

                           Over the Counter Supplements

Decrease Viral Load: Oral and Nasal Protocol or

  • Gargle and mouth wash plus nasal lavage 1-2 time for minimization and 4-6 times a day for 5 day if infected Gargle (do not swallow; must contain chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine, or cetylpyridinium chloride). Listerine – Oropharyngeal sanitization will likely reduce the viral load in the upper airways, thereby reducing the risk of symptomatic disease and likely reducing disease severity. This may be particularly important with the Delta variant which replicates to achieve viral high loads in the nasopharynx/ oropharynx. 
  • Recommended nasal spray: studies show 80% effective  (or .5% iodine)
  • Monitor temperature 2-3x daily
  • Everyone should have and use a sat oximeter and monitor 3x daily. 
  • One cannot stress the importance of drinking optimal amounts of water


  • No/very low carbs
  • – Bone broth and water
  • – No sugary drinks, cereals

If you get any new symptoms or increased worsening of any existing symptom as in shortness of breath, increased or new cough, chest-heaviness/tightness, extreme tiredness or decreased oxygen sat% seek medical advice. The goal is to stay out of the hospital. 

Any at risk person should start the FLCCC protocol and use this only as an early adjunctive therapy.

  1. Zinc 25-40mg (elemental)daily plus just quercitin or with
    1. Fisetin with Quercitin 100-500 mg daily [Fisetin could down-regulate mast cell activation] (optional to take both only in flu season)
  2. Vitamin D3: 5-8,000 iu daily… prefer 50-70 ng/mL< 100) vitamin D level from blood work is recommended. (Need less in summer)…
    1. Magnesium is necessary to activate vitamin D
    2. Vitamin K2-mk7 needed for optimal vitamin D levels.
  3. Saffron 88mg daily [Do not take if on SSRI drugs
  4. Lactoferrin: 200 -400mg x 2/day (taken together 99% reduction in COVID-19) 
  5. Diphenhydramine  4 pills daily, take with 
  6. Vitamin B12 250 mcg per day

If below <35yrs and healthy, won’t take that many pills or just want the bare minimum, the top 3 should be enough. >35yrs all 6 is good. If you are >45yrs old, or have bad diet, health issues, no exercise, weight issues, comorbidities, take the all the above plus consider the below.

High risk take also take the following…..

  1. Black Seed Oil – 40 mg/kg daily (or 1,500mg 2x daily/kidney disease) To be used if ivermectin not available or added to ivermectin for optimal prevention. (or Turmeric 1500mg 2x daily)
  2. NMN 500 – 1000mg- split doses
  3. Melatonin 6mg before sleep. Purchase:
  1. [optional but recommend] Hesperidin Capsules 500mg 2x daily (or vitamin C 500mg 2x daily)
  2. [optional but recommend] Olive Leaf Extract – 500mg 2xdaily
  3. B12 500mcg daily


  1. Flonase daily..  Flonase nasal spray. 23-53% less likely to acquire COVID-19
  2. Glutathione, 500 mg twice a day 
  3. L-Glutamine optimize gut health, very important.
  4. Tumeric



Aggressive, Early Treatment for COVID-19 infected


  1. **Saffron – 88mg daily for 30 days. [Saffron can be useful in SARS-CoV-2 management. There are several studies, which confirm the anti-inflammatory effects of saffron and its components in cytokine pathways. The most remarkable effect is its ability to increase the speed of oxygen transport and diffusivity in vivo as well as in vitro. Crocetin (a main molecule of saffron) has a high affinity towards the spike protein and also the main protease of the virus. Crocin also acts as an antioxidant by quenching free radicals, protecting cells and tissues against oxidation. Same affects as Fluvoxamine with even less side effects & OTC]


  1. Aspirin daily full 325mg dose for 30 days [ASA has anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, immunomodulatory, and antiviral effects] (high risk) or Rustin 2000mg day for 5days then 1000mg day for 5 days


  1. Hesperidin Capsules – 2000mg 3x daily for 14 days or Vitamin C 3 grams follow by 1-2 grams every hr… repeat every 8 hrs. Once free of symptoms take 8-12 grams day. (possesses significant anti-inflammatory activity) also its binding affinity against the Main protease (Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2, which is critical for polyprotein processing. Hesperidin performs a better interaction with the SARS-CoV-2 protease than lopinavir, a reference drug used today in the clinical trials for Covid-19. 


  1. 220mg Zinc Sulfate capsule which yields 50mg of elemental zinc plus Quercetin 500mg 2x day for 12 days 
  2. Fisetin 
    1. Day 1. – 20 mg/kg 
    2. Day 2. – 500mg
    3. Day 3. – 20 mg/kg 
    4. Day 4. – 500mg 
    5. Day 5. – continue 500mg daily for 30 days total…[Fisetin administration inhibited the infiltration of inflammatory cells including eosinophils, mast cells, and T CD4+ and T CD8+ cells. Plus increased the anti-inflammatory cytokine such as interleukin-10] purchase:
  3. Black Seed Oil(nigella staiva) – 80 mg/kg daily for 14 days, keep below 20 grams daily, if kidney disease keep below 2,000mg daily dose properties are due to the presence of thymoquinone) Decreased viral shedding and reduced mortality in patients with both moderate and severe COVID-19 infection. Binds to S-protein and ACE2, destabilizes S-protein bindingto human host ACE2 receptor.

Immunity/Antioxidants – quells cytokine storms

  1. D.velop vitamin D (calcifediol) take 
    1. 52 tabs first day. Day 3 & 7 take 26/tabs each day. Then three pills daily till better.…Buy 3 bottles Education: 
  2. Colostrum: 6x day 500mg/cap for 10 days.  Colostrum is a natural antibiotic without the side effects of destroying the immune system.  It does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract.  It is an immune system booster. 
  3. NMN – 1000mg/day for daily use for (people over ~40), 1000mg at least for covid positive, 1.67 grams 2x/day for at risk, or having severe case of COVID-19. (See below)
  4. Melatonin: Mild patients take 20 mg three times a day and 40mg at bedtime…… Moderately ill patients take 400/500mg/day (taken 5x / day split best) to fight a virus/inflammation.

Anti-histamines: Goal: To clear the histamines that have been released. 

  1. H1 antihistamine: …. diphenhydramine 8-12 pills daily as tolerated x10 days 
  2. H2 antihistamine: …Pepcid 40 mg 2x daily or Famotidine 40 mg PO twice daily as tolerated x7 days .(20–40 mg/day in renal impairment)(Famotidine may be useful for its protective effect on gastric mucosa, its anti-viral properties and histamine blocking properties.)
  3. Lactoferrin: 300mg 4x day x7 days(

Benadryl (diphenhydramine), lactoferrin.

Individually, the two compounds each inhibited SARS-CoV-2 virus replication by about 30%. Together, they reduced virus replication by 99%…

Diet: cut back on sugar & carbs. Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water a day.  If you are dehydrated, you are more prone to fever and it becomes a viscous cycle.  

Drink hot tea, chicken noodle soup. Warm salty fluids decrease swelling in your upper airway and improve circulation.

Talk to your physician or consult a pharmacist before taking any nutritional supplements to know about possible drug interactions and if they are right for you. 


Severe Patients/High Risk


Increase Melatonin: 8mg/kg. Keep using at least until 3-4 days after ur better.🙂 (no fever, no bad cough, oxygen 97 or above). Splitting it into 3-5 doses/day is best. buy –   Education: No knowledge of any overdosing, other issues or drug interactions…  calc:

Outpatient IV Therapy – 

We highly advocate to get IV vitamin C and GHS nebulizer in the first 3 days if you are a high risk patient or started Tx later….. At risk don’t take any chances, not getting better as much as you like, or got started late. I would for sure try these guys, they give Immune Boost IV 15,000mg vitamin C dose 😃 really good if you have symptoms that won’t go away!!! Think they might have an even higher dose if you’re feeling really bad. Or just get the vitaminC shot. I feel this nebulizer should be used in conjunction with the vitamin C in the first 2-3 days or later would benefit anyone.

If you get any new symptoms or increasing worsening of shortness of breath, increased or new cough, chest-heaviness, extreme tiredness or ⬇️decreased oxygen sat% seek medical advice. New symptoms or increasing worsening of shortness of breath, increased or new cough, chest-heaviness, or decreased oxygen sat% seek medical advice and demand chest x-ray and or chest CT.

If you can’t get IV vitamin C…… High dose vitamin c was used in China with great success. While not as high doses these supplements will still help. Additive High Risk ORAL Vitamin C Dosage – Loading dose of 3-5 grams followed by 2 grams every 30 minutes….repeat this cycle every 24 hrs. If conditions don’t improve after 12 hrs increase loading dose to 10 grams followed by 3-5 grams every 30 minutes.

If improved go to 2 grams every hour.

                  Cytokine Storm, Low 02 Protocol

Moderate to Severe symptoms. Take for 10-12days…..(buy and have on hand) to quell cytokine storm, helps boost NAD+ and potentially halt cytokine storms.

  1. TMG ~750mg 2x day for 10 days – TMG- 
  2. NMN 1500mg 2x day…… NMN…  – Mix both above with 400 cc water 
    1. Add 50mg salt(nacl) into the 400 cc of water, drink slowly over few minutes in am and pm…. Take on an empty stomach 1 hour before eating food, start in evening on day 1. 
  3. Add 220mg Zinc Sulfate capsule daily which yields 50mg of elemental zinc x 12days.
  4. Add the above high risk Melatonin dosage
  5. Add the D.velop vitamin D (calcifediol) 
  6. Add Lumbrokinase: 2 pills 3xday on empty stomach … – dissolving fibrin proteins, blood clots and dead/scar tissue. It does not affect living tissue.

6 AM —Mix into 400 cc of water, ~750 mg(~1/2 scoop)TMG, 1,500 mg (1 1/2 scoops) NMN, 50 mg of Salt, drink slowly over a few minutes and swallow one ZN 220 mg tablet

6 PM — Mix into 400 cc of water, ~750mg TMG, 1,500 mg NMN, 50 mg of Salt, drink slowly over a few minutes.


Updated 10/10/21

Alternative Nasal Spray/Gargle Minimization Protocol 

We advocate a mixture of 5cc of 2% iodine in 15ml of 23pm silver water. Which is 20cc Total solution of .5% iodine. Or use just the silver colloidal water.

A. Use 3puffs (about 0.28ml) of this combined nasal spray into each nostril twice daily. Then combine this with B…..

B. Swish & gargle(30-60seconds) Listerine antiseptic mouthwash, as an oral rinse and gargle; twice daily….

Nasal spray bottles, syringes, nebulizer machine, and 2% iodine/silver water can be purchased on Amazon. Mucosal antiseptics, mouth washes, and nasal saline irrigation help decrease viral load and studies show a much better outcome if infected.


Ionic Nano Silver Water. Only use 20-30 ppm… as is) or… – Most particles are around 15 nm, with the presence of few larger particles (40–50 nm), Need to Dilute 4oz of 250ppm to 25ppm with 36 0z of sterile water for 40oz of 25ppm….

Mild-Mod Infected individuals should start on first day nebulizing 20cc of only ionic nano silver water. Then 4-6 hrly of 5 ml silver water. After first day of Tx, Use 5cc 4-6 times daily after the first day. [Optional to Add Lugol’s 2% solution, use 4-6 drops.]  Can use 100ppm if sicker or later start after day 3 and/or high risk… 


  1. WHO has no upper limits on drinking silver water. 
  2. FDA has seen no cases where it caused harm. 
  3. Used as disinfectant in drinking water in Australia, Germany & Switzerland. 
  4. NASA uses silver water for portable drinking water.
  5. A lab study published in Particle and Fibre Toxicology found that when the human lung is exposed to silver nanoparticles, it does not cause adverse effects. Lung cells were only sensitive to high silver-ion concentrations. 

#1. Key is nano particle size: (want 10 nanometers, but smaller is best) and 

#2. Key is concentration: ppm of 20. 20ppm kills  virus, 25ppm kills bacteria. Reduces cytokine storm, interlukon6, TNFa, relieves hypoxia, binds to phosphate, stops replication locking up viral RNA & DNA, positive charge disables spike protein ability to attach to ACE2…

RISK ASSESSMENT: Probability x Consequences

Toxicity is low, only occurs in high dosage. (Risk of Argyria, blue man syndrome in overuse or dose related.) VS…..

Used once a day nebulizer for minimization or active infection for 5-10 days. 

Benefits: relieves hypoxia, keep’s patients out of hospital.

Minus the quacks, yes it’s VERY SAFE…. 

Dilution Calc.

Nebulizer machine:


Low Risk Protocol

Low Risk – Mild Disease – <45 yrs old, no cormobities

  1. 220mg Zinc Sulfate capsule which yields 50mg of elemental zinc plus 
  2. Quercetin 500mg 2x day for 12 days 
  3. NAC – 1,200mg 2x daily for 12 days…(NAC is a non-specific antioxidant that scavenges ROS & for IL-6 control.) [not available on Amazon] 
  4. Melatonin: 400/500mg/day (taken 3-5x / day split best) for virus/inflammation. 
  5. D.velop vitamin D (calcifediol) take 52 tabs first day. Day 3 & 7 take 26/tabs each day. Then three pills daily till better.…  Buy 3 bottles
  6. [Optional] Vitamin C  Loading dose of 3-5 grams followed by 1 gram every 2-4hrs….. repeat this cycle every 24 hrs, until better. (Lose stools may be only side effect in some people taking high doses of vitamin C)


Any high risk person (vaccinated or unvaccinated) needs to have early tx drugs on hand, before you contract COVID. Continue OTC early treatment supplements and add early treatment drugs from online Physician. Make your own Covid Medical Kit. High risk people need a pulse oximeter to check oxygen saturation. – –

patient education – 

Make up your own Covid medical kit, before you get COVID-19. These treatments are highly effective, when started early enough. There is very low odds of a bad outcome with SARS COVID 2 without treatment. But your odds are increased much more with early treatment….  Pharmacies – some that are out of country that do not require prescription


The below is the original protocol

I. Nov thru April (Flu Season)


  • 3-10 grams -vitaminC
  • 10,000-40,000 IU -vitamin D (covid19 higher dose)..
  • 400mg – 1gram-magnesium (covid19 higher dose)
  • 100mg Selenium
  • 30-50mg- (40mg of zinc a day, ideally on an empty stomach)
  • Optional: For prevention, take a zinc lozenge with echinacea every day, like Thera Zinc Echinacea Lozenges (Dr. Frank Shallenberger)
  • 500mg – quercetin Daily (COVID-19)
  • 600mg-NAC  BID (You’ll absorb NAC best if you take it on an empty stomach, at least an hour away from eating)
  • Optional: Pepcid 20-40mg
  • Optional:Melatonin – 6-12 mg (nighttime) 
  • Optional: Famotidine 20-40mg/day
  •            At the least take a multivitamin 

II. At the first sign of any upper respiratory illness, (colds,flu) 

    Take the following for 4 days……

       This Is The Most Important Antioxidant for Your Cells!

    One cannot stress the importance of drinking optimal amounts of water

     Or the importance  of

Nebulization Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide:  Nebulize 3-5 times per day or more, more if sick and 1-2 times per day if using it as a preventative. Can dilute down to .5% hydrogen peroxide. 

[Optional to Add Lugol’s 2% solution, use 2-4 drops in 3cc of 3% hydrogen peroxide.]…..see other the article for information on hydrogen peroxide. 

The above 4 day treatment and maintenance protocol is a cross-referenced combination of these 6 or so main sources(plus)…..

  1. Dr. David Brownstein – Has used Nebulizers with hydrogen peroxide and has been practicing this for 20 plus years. I had been following and watched several of his patient testimonials. They explained symptoms, timing and treatment. Thanks to his generosity the treatment protocol is mostly from him! He was forced to take down the videos and blog information showing how his protocol was clinically helping COVID pts. The FDA said it wasn’t legal because of claims, without any studies, that it was helpful in the treatment of COVID-19. So he published a clinical study. Study Summary: We treated 107 COVID-19 patients, solely with biological therapies, who all recovered. Only three were hospitalized. Of the three hospitalizations, two were hospitalized before beginning our treatment and sought our care post hospitalization. One was hospitalized while solely taking the oral regimen of Vitamins A, C, D, and iodine, and not the oxidative therapies. All recovered uneventfully. There were no deaths. [peer reviewed clinical study].                        

7/2020 Editorial on study:

“Their educated experience-based treatment protocol have led to a cohort with far lower serious (0.18%) and critical (0.0%) illness and death (0.0%) is lower than reported to date anywhere, including lower than the rates reported in studies of hydroxychloroquine. Given the age distribution of their particular cohort, with only 7% of patients being younger than 25, and 69% being over the age of 51, the number of deaths from, or even with, COVID under this novel protocol is clearly significantly lower than that expected given national and international trends under other protocols. Brownstein et. al. (2020) also provides detailed evidence of likely specific molecular mechanisms of action. Bownstein protocol. 

Here I speculate on additional direct mechanisms that might be in play. Via their case series, Brownstein et al. show that their low-cost support of the immune system with appropriate nutrients, individualized to each patient and stage of disease progression, may be highly effective and relatively inexpensive in treating COVID-19.

  1. The efficacy of their protocol suggests that they may have been successful in supporting the immune system to the endpoint of reducing viremia, thus providing relief to viremia-induced symptoms. We know that serious and critical cases of COVID-19 are typified by Th2-skewed responses with elevated proinflammatory IL-1 and IL-6 cytokines. 
  2. Potential mechanism of action of their protocol is the reduction of systemic inflammation, including a reduction in the production of alpha defensin and coagulopathy. The patients who form fatal systemic clotting have an increased level of alpha defensin protein in their blood.
  3. Potential mechanism of action of their protocol is the net effect on whole-body health. Sleep provides a critically important aspect of fighting infections; proper balance of nutrients is related to sleep quality (St-Onge et al. [6]; Peuhkuri et al., [7]), and melatonin appears to reduce the severity of COVID-19 related hemoglobinopathies, refractory hypoxemia and myocardial injury [8]. While Brownstein et al. did not use melatonin in the study, individuals with chronic cough and chest pain lack adequate sleep, and thus in reducing the severity of symptoms, the protocol used likely helped patients obtain adequate rest.
  4. And finally, another potential mechanism of action may include the absence of pharmaceutical antipyretics. It is well-established that the use of antipyretics with influenza and other fever infections can increase severity and duration of illness due to the immune-suppressing effects of such products, and the important role fever plays in reducing viral replication. One study showed that use of asprin and acetaminophen by those with Rhinovirus was associated with suppression of serum neutralizing antibody response, increased nasal symptoms, a rise in circulating monocytes, and longer duration of virus shedding. The reduction of viremia via the innate and cellular immune responses leading to fever is underappreciated in public health policy. The use of medicines to reduce fever in people with mild illness will prevent the reduction of viremia and increase the likelihood of community transmission. Acetaminophen also depletes glutathione, which is critically needed during times of viral infection, and so the absence of the use of such products may also contribute to the success of Brownsteine patient-outcomes.”                                                                James Lyons-Weiler, Ph. D.

Here is the original Brownstein Protocol:

Oral dosing consisted of taking the following supplements for four days at the first sign of symptoms or at the direction of the practitioner. The supplements consisted of:

• Vitamin A: 100,000 IU/day*** in the form of emulsified Vitamin A palmitate

• VitaminC: 1,000mg/hour while awake in the form of ascorbic acid until bowel tolerance (loose stools) was reached

• Vitamin D3: 50,000 IU/day in an emulsified form

• Iodine: 25 mg/day in the form of Lugol’s solution or tableted Lugol’s solution

Most patients were instructed to nebulize a dilute solution of .04% hydrogen peroxide in normal saline. The solution was mixed for the patient in the office. A sterile 250 cc bag of normal saline was injected with 3 cc of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and 1 cc of magnesium sulfate. COVID-19 patients was instructed to draw off 3 cc of the dilute solution and nebulize it hourly until symptoms improve. 

Additionally, the patient was instructed to add in one drop of 5% Lugol’s solution to the dilute hydrogen peroxide mixture. As the symptoms improved, the frequency of nebulizing could be reduced by the patient.

He is using a combination of a very low percentage peroxide and iodine as the virus killer. I tried the iodine combination and it does have a smell to it….

Researchers reported an invitro study where SARS-2-CoV was exposed to iodine (povidone-iodine) at 1-5% concentrations as a nasal antiseptic formulation and an oral rinse. The iodine solutions effectively inactivated SARS-CoV-2 after exposure times of 60 seconds…

In vitro studies of 0.23% PVP-I mouthwash (1:30 dilution) was shown to inactivate both SARS-CoV and MERS- CoV following a 15-second exposure…

2. Dr. Thomas Levy – Titrate the sickness, Titrate vitamin c till diarrhea. The most important corollary to taking a large enough dose is taking it often enough. It’s hard for most people to take vitamin C every 2-4 hrs….Dr Levy the ‘multi-C’-protocol/…


4. MATH Protocol Home Treatment –

5. Dr. Roger Seheult – MEDCRAM –

6. ….…..

7. Dr. Frank Shallenbergers Protocol:                                                                                      One recent study looked at how effective zinc supplements were at preventing colds. The flu vaccines do nothing to prevent colds. I have talked about zinc and viruses before. Zinc supplements are very effective against viruses. In this study, the researchers gave 100 healthy children 15 mg of zinc sulfate every day for seven months. They gave another 100 children a placebo. The parents were told to double up on the zinc (or placebo) at the first signs of any cold symptoms, and to continue that dose until the cold was gone.

The results show how effective zinc can be. The number of colds in the zinc group was 70% less than in the placebo group. In those who came down with a cold, the number of days that it took to get over the cold was 69% less in the zinc group. How many side effects? Zero. 

The next remedy that has worked well with my patients is the herb echinacea. In 2007, researchers at the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in Storrs, Connecticut reported on a meta study they carried out.

A meta study is one in which the researchers examine already published studies and sum up the data in all the studies. This is a good way of finding out what works and what doesn’t. They evaluated 14 published studies that looked at how effective echinacea is at preventing colds. They found that, “Echinacea decreased the odds of developing the common cold by 58%.” Once again, there were no side effects.

   I) Take enough vitamin D3 to get your blood levels between 65-75 ng/ml. This amount will vary between different people, but usually averages about 5,000 mg daily. You also can spend time outdoors this summer to help boost your levels. By getting your levels up this high before the next flu season, you’ll be able to protect yourself even better than waiting until winter.     

   II) For prevention, take a zinc lozenge with echinacea every day. I like Thera Zinc Echinacea Lozenges. They use zinc gluconate. This form is not as effective as acetate, but it’s still effective. You can get these online and at most stores. 

   III) Nebulize hydrogen peroxide 


One can get near IV vitamin C results by taking the high oral doses. It does take dedication to take the amount and the frequency to accomplish. I got up to 30,000 mgs a day for 2 days with pills only. No problems but was taking religiously every hour while awake… Call your regular doctor as soon as you usually would or if you don’t see improvement after the above 4 day therapy.

IV vitamin C as an outpatient with mild COVID-19 symptoms. USA mainstream physicians use low dose C in treatment of COVID-19 txs, with higher dosages used extensively in China.

And/Or contact Dr. Brownstein for a Web based appointment:


More on prevention with C:

An individual continuously on the “full correction” regimen of 3 to 5 grams of ascorbic acid daily for an unstressed adult will have a high resistance to infectious respiratory diseases.  Should the exposure to the infectious agent be unduly heavy or some other uncorrected biochemical stresses be imposed, the infecting virus may gain a foothold and start developing.  Treatment is instituted at the very first indication of the cold starting, because it  is much easier to abort an incipient cold than to try to treat an advanced case.  If a known heavy exposure to the infectious agent is experienced,such as close contacts with a coughing and sneezing cold sufferer, then prophylactic doses of several grams of ascorbic acid, several times a day, may be taken without waiting for cold symptoms to develop.

Infection Treatment with vitamin C:

At the first symptoms of a developing cold I take about 1.5 to 2.0 grams of ascorbic acid, dissolved in a couple of ounces of water, unsweetened or sweetened to taste. Within twenty minutes to half an hour another dose is ingested and this is repeated at twenty-minute to half-hour intervals.  Usually by the third dose the virus has been effectively inactivated, and usually no further cold symptoms will appear.  I watch for any delayed symptoms nd, if any become evident, I take further doses. If the start of this regimen is delayed and it is instituted only after the virus has spread throughout the body, the results may not be so dramatic, but ascorbic acid will nevertheless be of great benefit. Continued dosages at one- or two-hour intervals will shorten the duration of the attack, often to a day. The great advantage of this common cold therapy is that it utilizes a normal body constituent rather than some foreign toxic material. This regime should be the subject of large-scale, long-range clinical studies in order to establish its efficacy and safety, and to provide the data required by medicine for any new suggested therapy.” Andrew Saul

Vit. C Smother…

     Vit. C Answers…

Immediate use of half-hourly 2,000 mg doses of Vitamin C, up to bowel tolerance, will usually stop a cold from escalating to influenza or influenza from escalating to pneumonia. But treat serious illness seriously: in the very young or the very old, influenza or pneumonia can kill. Do not hesitate to seek medical attention. A peer review IV vitamin c study…

There are seven compelling reasons why high dose oral (6gram+) and intravenous vitamin C (IVC) should be trialled on critically ill COVID-19 patients to speed up recovery time spent in ICU and reduce mortality.


1. A randomised controlled trial, one in Wuhan, China[1]  has shown a third less deaths (31.5%), less inflammation (IL-6), less time on ventilators. Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan gave patients 12 grams IV, twice a day, versus sterile water.

Ruijing Hospital in Shanghai reported no deaths  in an interim report[2] of their first 50 cases of moderate to severe COVID-19 cases given IVC (10-20g a day for 7-10 days). Patients who received high dose IVC had a hospital stay about 3-5 days shorter than the overall patients. Dr.Mao discussed one severe case in particular who was deteriorating rapidly. He gave 50g IVC over a period of 4 hours. The patient’s pulmonary status stabilized and improved as the critical care team watched in real time. There were no side effects reported from any of the cases treated with high dose IVC. The Shanghai Medical Association[4] endorse vitamin C for the treatment of COVID-19 infections (statement in the Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases).

A trial in Italy is underway [10] trialing 10g IVC in 500 patients at the Arnas Civico-di Cristina-Benfratelli National Relevance Hospital. Several other trials have been initiated in New

Zealand, Malaysia and South Korea.

2. High dose vitamin C speeds up pneumonia recovery. A 2018 study5 of 56 patients with severe pneumonia given 6g oral vitamin C daily reported an 85% drop in mortality and double the rate of radiologic improvement in the lungs after a week.

3. Cold duration is 20% shorter and symptoms less severe. In a controlled (but not placebo) trial6, 85% of the 252 students treated experienced a reduction in symptoms in the high-dose oral vitamin C group (6g on day 1 and 3g daily thereafter). In two placebo studies7 giving 6-8g in the first day, colds were 20% shorter. In those taking 8g in the first day 46% had symptoms that only lasted for one day.

4. Vitamin C shortens stay in ICU. In five trials 8  including 471 patients requiring ventilation for over 10 h, an oral dosage of 1–6 g/day of vitamin C shortened ventilation time on average by 25% (P<0.0001 – highly statistically significant).

5. 27 hospitals in New York[3] , Wisconsin, Houston and East Virginia are using intravenous vitamin C and report remarkable improvement in symptom severity, duration and deaths. Houston Hospital has reported ‘zero deaths’.[12] Professor Paul Marik at East Virginia Medical School, who has already established the efficacy of IVC in sepsis patients, has reported two deaths, in 85+ year olds with end stage comorbidities, in the first 40 seriously ill COVID patients in his ICU. All patients, on testing, have levels of vitamin C, often undetectable, that would diagnose scurvy (unpublished). These Emergency doctors are part of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group

6. Vitamin C is safe. No adverse effects have been reported in any trials giving high dose oral or intravenous vitamin C to those with influenza, colds or pneumonia.

7. The World Health Organisation, recommend vitamin C in their ‘Coronavirus Roadmap’ [13]say : (page 36): “Optimal selection of strategies for supportive care of seriously ill patients – immunomodulatory agents (IL-1ra, interferon), steroids, ACE inhibitors, vitamin C, statins, or anti-arrhythmics.” On page 37 they say “”Other adjunctive interventions with biologic plausibility include Vitamin C, ACE inhibitors, and other anti-infectives, depending upon the burden of co-infections in these patients.”

Vitamin C is not patentable, and inexpensive, and therefore no trials will be funded by the pharmaceutical industry. There remains an unjustifable media and medical bias against vitamin C despite evidence to the contrary for trials using 6 grams a day or more or IV. 

I’m not trying to get anyone to do or use this. With all the mainstream medical and media hysteria about COVID-19, I am just providing an alternative source and opinions on a possible safe at home DIY treatment choices that may or may not help. It’s your decision and choice.

Misc. Links and sources:

Vitamin D… Vitamin-D and COVID-19: do deficient risk a poorer outcome? – The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

NAC: Silvio De Flora, MD, of the University of Genoa, and his colleagues asked 262 patients to take either 600 mg of NAC or placebos twice daily for six months over the wintertime cold-and-flu season. Few of the subjects taking NAC developed flu symptoms, even though blood tests confirmed they were infected. When subjects did develop symptoms, they were generally mild among people taking NAC, compared with those who were taking placebos.1 NAC controlled the respiratory symptoms of the flu and, through its conversion to glutathione, boosted the body’s ability to fight infection.




quercetin &zinc…

Disclaimer: Use the this material to explore whatever is of interest and value to you, make up your own mind regarding what you choose to pursue for your own health.

Do your own research, if you want consult health professionals who actually have experience in the areas described. Make your own decisions and take responsibility for your own choices.


Published by Ginger

40yrs of Frontline Healthcare Experience. COVID-19 is about our Freedom..STOP the rich elites….

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